
No Life Is Their Fate Or Life Is Their Fate?


Book Discourse on Chuang Tzu:No Life Is Their Fate Or Life Is Their Fate? Excerpt from book Discourse on Chuang Tzu Yen Ch’eng Tzu Yuo said to Tung Kwo Tzu Ch’i, “When I began to follow your instructions, during the first year, I assumed rustic simplicity; in the second year, I followed along [...]

No Life Is Their Fate Or Life Is Their Fate?2024-11-03T15:15:59+00:00

The Understanding of the Little Man


Book Discourse on Chuang Tzu:The Understanding of the Little Man  Excerpt from book Discourse on Chuang Tzu The understanding of the little man never rises above the level of reed packages filled with gifts and slips of bamboo or wood.# His spirit wears itself out in its preoccupations with the mean and the [...]

The Understanding of the Little Man2024-11-03T15:16:28+00:00

The Story of King Tan-fu


Book Discourse on Chuang Tzu:The Story of King Tan-fu Excerpt from book Discourse On Chuang Tzu While the eminent King, Tan‑fu was residing in Pin, the Ti tribes launched an attack against his territory. He tried to negotiate with skins and silks, but the Ti refused him; he proposed dogs and horses, but [...]

The Story of King Tan-fu2024-11-03T15:17:05+00:00

Lifetime – A White Colt Glimpsed Through A Crack In The Wall


Book Discourse on Chuang Tzu:Lifetime -- A White Colt Glimpsed Through A Crack In The Wall Excerpt from book Discourse On Chuang Tzu The passing of a man's lifetime between heaven and earth can be likened to the passing of a white colt glimpsed through a crack in the wall -- whoosh! -- [...]

Lifetime – A White Colt Glimpsed Through A Crack In The Wall2024-11-03T15:17:32+00:00

The Joy of Being A Fish


Book: Discourse on Chuang TzuThe Joy of Being A Fish Excerpt from book Discourse on Chuang Tzu Chuang Tzu and Hui Tzu were strolling across the bridge on the River Hao. “See how the minnows shoot out, and dart about wherever they like!” observed Chuang Tzu. “That is the joy of being a [...]

The Joy of Being A Fish2024-11-03T15:18:04+00:00
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